

forums kodu <% Option Explicit %> <% Response.Buffer = True 'Dimension variables Dim rsForum 'Holds the recordset of the forum password Dim strPassword 'Holds the forum password Dim blnAutoLogin 'Holds whether the user wnats to be automactically logged in Dim intForumID 'Holds the forum ID Dim strForumCode 'Holds the users ID code Dim strReturnPage 'Holds the page to return to Dim strReturnPageProperties 'Holds the properties of the return page 'Get the forum page to return to Select Case Request.QueryString("ReturnPage") Case "Topic" 'Read in the forum and topic to return to strReturnPage = "display_forum_topics.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=" & Request.QueryString("ReturnPage") & "&ForumID=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("ForumID")) & "&PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) 'Read in the thread and forum to return to Case "Thread" strReturnPage = "display_topic_threads.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=" & Request.QueryString("ReturnPage") & "&ForumID=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("ForumID")) & "&TopicID=" & CLng(Request.QueryString("TopicID")) & "&PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) 'Read in the active topic page to return to Case "Active" strReturnPage = "active_topics.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) 'Else return to the forum main page Case Else strReturnPage = "default.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ForumID=0" End Select 'Read in the forum id number intForumID = CInt(Request.QueryString("ForumID")) 'Read in the users details from the form strPassword = Trim(Mid(Request.Form("password"), 1, 15)) blnAutoLogin = CBool(Request.Form("AutoLogin")) 'If user has eneterd a password make sure it is correct If NOT strPassword = "" Then 'Create a recordset to get the forum details Set rsForum = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Read in the forum name from the database 'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strSQL = "SELECT tblForum.Password, tblForum.Forum_code FROM tblForum WHERE Forum_ID = " & intForumID 'Query the database rsForum.Open strSQL, adoCon 'If the query has returned a value to the recordset then check the password is correct If NOT rsForum.EOF Then 'Check the password is correct, if it is get the user ID and set a cookie If strPassword = rsForum("Password") Then 'Read in the users ID number and whether they want to be automactically logged in when they return to the forum strForumCode = rsForum("Forum_code") 'Write a cookie with the Forum ID number so the user logged in throughout the forum 'Write the cookie with the name Forum containing the value Forum Code number Response.Cookies("PrForum")("Forum" & intForumID) = strForumCode 'If the user has selected to be remebered when they next login then set the expiry date for the cookie for 1 year If blnAutoLogin = True Then 'Set the expiry date for 1 year (365 days) 'If no expiry date is set the cookie is deleted from the users system 20 minutes after they leave the forum Response.Cookies("PrForum").Expires = Now() + 365 End If 'Reset Server Objects Set adoCon = Nothing Set strCon = Nothing Set rsForum = Nothing 'Redirect the user back to the forum page they have just come from Response.Redirect strReturnPage & strReturnPageProperties End If End If End If 'Reset Server Objects Set adoCon = Nothing Set strCon = Nothing Set rsForum = Nothing %> :: Nil Portal >> Forumlar ::
<% = strTxtForumLogin %>

<% = strTxtReturnToDiscussionForum %>

<% = strTxtPasswordRequiredForForum %>

<% 'If the user has unsuccesfully tried logging in before then display a password incorrect error If NOT strPassword = "" Then %>
<% = strTxtForumPasswordIncorrect %>
<% = strTxtPleaseTryAgain %>
<% End If %>
<% = strTxtPassword %>:
  <% = strTxtAutoLogin %>
diğer forumsss kodu <% Option Explicit %> <% 'Set the response buffer to true as we maybe redirecting Response.Buffer = True 'Dimension variables Dim rsMembers 'Holds the Database Recordset for the forum members Dim rsModerators 'Holds the recordset to see if the user is a moderator Dim strUsername 'Holds the users username Dim strHomepage 'Holds the users homepage if they have one Dim strEmail 'Holds the users e-mail address Dim blnShowEmail 'Boolean set to true if the user wishes there e-mail address to be shown Dim lngUserID 'Holds the new users ID number Dim intNumOfPosts 'Holds the number of posts the user has made Dim intStatus 'Holds the users interger status Dim strStatus 'Holds the users status Dim dtmRegisteredDate 'Holds the date the usre registered Dim strReturnPage 'Holds the page to return to Dim intTotalNumMembersPages 'Holds the total number of pages Dim intTotalNumMembers 'Holds the total number of forum members Dim intRecordPositionPageNum 'Holds the page number we are on Dim intRecordLoopCounter 'Recordset loop counter Dim dtmLastPostDate 'Holds the date of the users las post Dim intLinkPageNum 'Holds the page number to link to Dim strReturnPageProperties 'Holds the properties of the return page Dim strSearchCriteria 'Holds the search critiria Dim strSortBy 'Holds the way the records are sorted Dim intSortSelectField 'Holds the sort selection to be shown in the sort list box 'Initalise variables blnShowEmail = False 'Get the forum page to return to Select Case Request.QueryString("ReturnPage") Case "Topic" 'Read in the forum and topic to return to strReturnPage = "display_forum_topics.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=Topic&ForumID=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("ForumID")) & "&PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) 'Read in the thread and forum to return to Case "Thread" strReturnPage = "display_topic_threads.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=Thread&ForumID=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("ForumID")) & "&TopicID=" & CLng(Request.QueryString("TopicID")) & "&PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) & "&ThreadPage=" & Request.QueryString("ThreadPage") 'Read in the search to return to Case "Search" strReturnPage = "search.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=Search&SearchPagePosition=" & Request.QueryString("SearchPagePosition") & "&search=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString("search")) & "&searchMode=" & Request.QueryString("searchMode") & "&searchIn=" & Request.QueryString("searchIn") & "&forum=" & Request.QueryString("forum") & "&searchSort=" & Request.QueryString("searchSort") 'Read in the private message to return to Case "pm" strReturnPage = "pm_welcome.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ReturnPage=pm" 'Read in the active topic page to return to Case "Active" strReturnPage = "active_topics.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?PagePosition=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PagePosition")) 'Else return to the forum main page Case Else strReturnPage = "default.asp" strReturnPageProperties = "?ForumID=0" End Select 'If this is the first time the page is displayed then the members record position is set to page 1 If Request.QueryString("MemPagePosition") = "" Then intRecordPositionPageNum = 1 'Else the page has been displayed before so the members page record postion is set to the Record Position number Else intRecordPositionPageNum = CInt(Request.QueryString("MemPagePosition")) End If 'Get the search critiria for the members to display If NOT Request.QueryString("find") = "" Then strSearchCriteria = Trim(Mid(Request.QueryString("find"), 1, 15)) End If 'Take out parts of the username that are not permitted strSearchCriteria = Replace(strSearchCriteria, "password", "", 1, -1, 1) strSearchCriteria = Replace(strSearchCriteria, "author", "", 1, -1, 1) strSearchCriteria = Replace(strSearchCriteria, "code", "", 1, -1, 1) strSearchCriteria = Replace(strSearchCriteria, "username", "", 1, -1, 1) 'Get rid of milisous code strSearchCriteria = formatSQLInput(strSearchCriteria) 'Get the sort critiria Select Case Request.QueryString("Sort") Case "post" strSortBy = "No_of_posts DESC" intSortSelectField = 1 Case "latestUsers" strSortBy = "Join_date DESC" intSortSelectField = 2 Case "oldestUsers" strSortBy = "Join_date ASC" intSortSelectField = 3 Case "group" strSortBy = "Status DESC" intSortSelectField = 4 Case Else strSortBy = "Username ASC" intSortSelectField = 0 End Select %> :: Nil Portal >> Forumlar ::
<% = strTxtForumMembersList %>
<% = strTxtReturnToDiscussionForum %>

<% = strTxtMemberSearch %> : "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> ">
<% = strTxtAll %> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
<% 'If the user has not logged in dispaly an error message If lngLoggedInUserID = 0 Then Response.Write vbCrLf & "" & strTxtMustBeRegistered & "

" Response.Write vbCrLf & "  " 'If the user has logged in then read in the members from the database and dispaly them Else 'Intialise the ADO recordset object Set rsMembers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strSQL = "SELECT tblAuthor.Author_ID, tblAuthor.Username, tblAuthor.Homepage, tblAuthor.No_of_posts, tblAuthor.Join_date, tblAuthor.Status, tblAuthor.Active " strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblAuthor " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((tblAuthor.Username) Like '" & strSearchCriteria & "%')) " strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY tblAuthor." & strSortBy & ";" 'Set the cursor type property of the record set to dynamic so we can naviagate through the record set rsMembers.CursorType = 1 'Query the database rsMembers.Open strSQL, adoCon 'Set the number of records to display on each page rsMembers.PageSize = 25 'If there are no memebers to display then show an error message If rsMembers.EOF Then Response.Write "" & strTxtSorryYourSearchFoundNoMembers & "" 'If there is a recordset returned by the query then read in the details Else 'Set the page number to display records for rsMembers.AbsolutePage = intRecordPositionPageNum 'Count the number of members there are in the database by returning the number of records in the recordset intTotalNumMembers = rsMembers.RecordCount 'Count the number of pages there are in the database calculated by the PageSize attribute set above intTotalNumMembersPages = rsMembers.PageCount 'Display the HTML for the total number of pages and total number of records in the database for the users Response.Write vbCrLf & " " Response.Write vbCrLf & " " Response.Write vbCrLf & " " Response.Write vbCrLf & " " Response.Write vbCrLf & "
" 'If we are showing all the forum memebers then display how many members there are If Request.QueryString("find") = "" Then Response.Write vbCrLf & " " & strTxtThereAre & " " & intTotalNumMembers & " " & strTxtForumMembersOn & " " & intTotalNumMembersPages & " " & strTxtPageYouAerOnPage & " " & intRecordPositionPageNum 'Else display how many results were fround from the search Else Response.Write vbCrLf & " " & strTxtYourSearchMembersFound & " " & intTotalNumMembers & " " & strTxtMatches End If Response.Write vbCrLf & "
" Response.Write vbCrLf & "
" %>
<% = strTxtSortResultsBy %>
<% If blnPrivateMessages = True Then %> <% End If %> <% 'Intialise the ADO recordset object Set rsModerators = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'For....Next Loop to loop through the recorset to display the forum members For intRecordLoopCounter = 1 to 25 'If there are no member's records left to display then exit loop If rsMembers.EOF Then Exit For 'Initialise varibles dtmLastPostDate = "" 'Read in the profile from the recordset lngUserID = CLng(rsMembers("Author_ID")) strUsername = rsMembers("Username") 'strEmail = rsMembers("Author_email") 'blnShowEmail = CBool(rsMembers("Show_email")) strHomepage = rsMembers("Homepage") intNumOfPosts = CInt(rsMembers("No_of_posts")) dtmRegisteredDate = CDate(rsMembers("Join_date")) intStatus = CInt(rsMembers("Status")) 'If the users account is not active make there account level guest If CBool(rsMembers("Active")) = False Then intStatus = 0 'Turn the members status number returned from the database into a string value Select Case intStatus 'Guest status Case 0 strStatus = strTxtGuest & "
" 'Standard member status Case 1 strStatus = strTxtStandardMember & "
" 'Super member status Case 2 strStatus = strTxtGoldMember & "
" 'Power member status Case 3 strStatus = strTxtPlatinumMember & "
" End select 'Now we need to see if the user is a moderator as if they are they will have edit options 'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database to get the email address of the moderator(s) for this forum If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then strSQL = "EXECUTE wwfSpModerator @lngUserID = " & lngUserID Else strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 tblModerator.Moderator_ID FROM tblModerator " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE tblModerator.Author_ID=" & lngUserID & ";" End If 'Query the database rsModerators.Open strSQL, adoCon 'If theres a record returened then this member is a moderator If NOT rsModerators.EOF Then strStatus = strTxtForumModerator & " " 'If the user ID is 1 then this is the admin account If lngUserID = 1 Then strStatus = strTxtForumAdministrator & " " 'Write the HTML of the Topic descriptions as hyperlinks to the Topic details and message %> <% If blnPrivateMessages = True Then %> <% End If %> <% 'Move to the next record in the database rsMembers.MoveNext 'Close the post date recordset rsModerators.Close 'Loop back round Next End If %>
<% = strTxtUsername %> <% = strTxtType %> <% = strTxtRegistered %> <% = strTxtPosts %> <% = strTxtHomepage %><% = strTxtAddBuddy %><% = strTxtSearch %>
<% = strUsername %> <% = strStatus %> <% = DateFormat(dtmRegisteredDate, saryDateTimeData) %> <% = intNumOfPosts %> <% If NOT strHomepage = "" Then Response.Write("") %><% = strTxtAddToBuddyList %><% If Request.QueryString("ReturnPage") = "Search" Then %>Search for other posts by <% = strUsername %><% Else %><% = strTxtSearchForPosts %> <% = strUsername %><% End If %>
<% 'If there is more than 1 page of members then dispaly drop down list to the other members If intTotalNumMembersPages > 1 Then 'Display an drop down list to the other members in list Response.Write vbCrLf & " " End If %>
" & strTxtPage & " " Response.Write vbCrLf & " " & strTxtOf & " " & intTotalNumMembersPages & "
<% 'Reset Server Variables rsMembers.Close Set rsMembers = Nothing Set rsModerators = Nothing End If 'Reset Server Objects Set adoCon = Nothing Set strCon = Nothing %>

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